The company is a trusted source for rough and polished diamonds. While Vijisan caters to the Indian diamond lovers, its flourishing trade also led to an impressive overseas expansion in 7 different countries.

Globally, Vijisan has set its foot as an efficient value chain that provides to jewelry and diamond centers worldwide.

The advanced technological adaptations at our Mumbai production unit have been a definite cause for the effervescent growth of Vijisan. High technology and innovations in our imaginative designs have carved a path for serving the Indian and international markets quite efficiently.

Our growth graph can be measured by the support and trust of our customers, the perceptive team of employees who work consistently and our partners who stand relentlessly by us.

Our ideology to serve the best, with trust and gratification as the constant catalysts to our success, we pledge to meet the needs of our customers on a global stage.

Experience fulfillment, trust and quality with Vijisan…